Die KOS (Koordinationsstelle Fanprojekte in Deutschland) berät und begleitet im Rahmen des Nationalen Konzepts Sport und Sicherheit (NKSS) die Fanprojekte in Deutschland. Darüber hinaus steht sie weiteren Institutionen (DFB, DFL, Wissenschaft, Polizei, Medien, Politik etc.) als beratende Instanz zur Verfügung.
Fanarbeit International
- fanprojekt
- Beiträge: 99
- Registriert: 17.03.09 @ 9:45
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- fanprojekt
- Beiträge: 99
- Registriert: 17.03.09 @ 9:45
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Fanarbeit International
Das Netzwerk Football Supporters Europe (FSE) ist ein unabhängiges, representatives und demokratisch organisiertes, basisorientiertes Netzwerk von Fußballfans in Europa, mit Mitgliedern in derzeit 40 Ländern.
Wir denken, dass es genügend Themen gibt, die aus Fansicht angepackt werden müssen, sei es Ticketing, Fankultur, Diskriminierung und Polizeiarbeit im Fußball usw. Wir sind überzeugt, dass es Zeit ist für Fußballfans sich endlich einzumischen und laut und klar mit einer machtvollen, vereinten und einflussreichen und unabhängigen Stimme innerhalb der Strukturen des Fußballs zu sprechen
Alle Infos auf http://www.fanseurope.org/de/
Wir denken, dass es genügend Themen gibt, die aus Fansicht angepackt werden müssen, sei es Ticketing, Fankultur, Diskriminierung und Polizeiarbeit im Fußball usw. Wir sind überzeugt, dass es Zeit ist für Fußballfans sich endlich einzumischen und laut und klar mit einer machtvollen, vereinten und einflussreichen und unabhängigen Stimme innerhalb der Strukturen des Fußballs zu sprechen
Alle Infos auf http://www.fanseurope.org/de/
- fanprojekt
- Beiträge: 99
- Registriert: 17.03.09 @ 9:45
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Fanarbeit International
"Augen auf" eine Dokumentation über das Fanprojekt Schalke 04
- fanprojekt
- Beiträge: 99
- Registriert: 17.03.09 @ 9:45
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Fanarbeit International
Stellungnahme der FSE zum Entscheid betreffend Euro 2020
Football supporters are disappointed about UEFA’s decision to hold Euro 2020 as a pan-European event
The committee members of FSE, European’s leading supporters’ organisation, were disappointed by the announcement of UEFA’s decision to hold Euro 2020 in up to 13 different countries all across the continent under the motto “EURO for Europe”.
Just last week, a delegation of FSE representatives gave UEFA representatives feedback from a fans perspective. In the build-up before that meeting FSE gathered the opinions from their wider membership and football supporters beyond that and collected feedback from a cross-section of supporters, to get a representative sample.
All in all, within a period of about two weeks, FSE members received more than 1200 responses. While there has been support to some degree from fans (11%) for the idea, the majority of fans participating in the FSE survey (82%) rejected the idea. This reluctance came from individual fans who follow their national team as well as from big national fan organisations, who support their teams at qualifiers and big tournaments and represent several hundreds of thousands of football supporters.
Kevin Miles (Football Supporters Federation), Ola Sjöstedt (Camp Sweden) and Nikos Pogatsidis (FSE Fans’ Embassies – Project Coordinator) participated on behalf of Football Supporters Europe and discussed with UEFA delegates on executive and administrative level.
“We at FSE, are convinced that the opinion of the fans needs to be considered as they are a main part for the success of any kind of international tournaments”, said Kevin Miles, FSE Committee member and head of the Fans’ Embassy Core Group, after the meeting.
FSE made it very clear what the fans perspective on the competition format is but UEFA’s decision still has been in favour of holding Euro 2020 as a pan-European event.
“We are disappointed by UEFA’s decision as we think it makes it very difficult for fans to follow their team through the whole competition. But now we have to look forward and discuss with UEFA how we can find ways to make it an as pleasant as possible experience for travelling fans”, said Daniela Wurbs, coordinator of FSE.
As a next step FSE is preparing to make concrete suggestions on how to make this EURO for Europe as fan friendly as possible. These proposals will be submitted in a second consultation meeting already planned. Some examples would be an easy access to Visa, logistical conditions allowing inexpensive travel and a fair pricing policy. Furthermore, a system shall be worked out that ensures the successful work of the FSE Fans’ Embassies.
Further info
Football Supporters Europe (FSE) is the independent, representative and democratically organised European umbrella association of football supporters. FSE has members in currently 42 countries across Europe representing more than 3,000,000 football supporters on the continent in total. The membership of FSE consists of locally active fans groups, nationally active fans’ organisations and individual supporters.
Press Contact
Nikos Pogatsidis project coordinator for the FSE Fans’ Embassies – email: nikos@fanseurope.org Tel.: +49 176 321 301 85
Daniela Wurbs FSE Coordinator / CEO of FSE - email: daniela@fanseurope.org Tel.: +49 179 751 18 86
Football Supporters Europe eV, Coordinating Office, P.O. Box 50 04 03, 22704 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 68 914 881 Twitter: @FansEurope
More info on FSE and its structure and current activities is available on their website www.fanseurope.org
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Football supporters are disappointed about UEFA’s decision to hold Euro 2020 as a pan-European event
The committee members of FSE, European’s leading supporters’ organisation, were disappointed by the announcement of UEFA’s decision to hold Euro 2020 in up to 13 different countries all across the continent under the motto “EURO for Europe”.
Just last week, a delegation of FSE representatives gave UEFA representatives feedback from a fans perspective. In the build-up before that meeting FSE gathered the opinions from their wider membership and football supporters beyond that and collected feedback from a cross-section of supporters, to get a representative sample.
All in all, within a period of about two weeks, FSE members received more than 1200 responses. While there has been support to some degree from fans (11%) for the idea, the majority of fans participating in the FSE survey (82%) rejected the idea. This reluctance came from individual fans who follow their national team as well as from big national fan organisations, who support their teams at qualifiers and big tournaments and represent several hundreds of thousands of football supporters.
Kevin Miles (Football Supporters Federation), Ola Sjöstedt (Camp Sweden) and Nikos Pogatsidis (FSE Fans’ Embassies – Project Coordinator) participated on behalf of Football Supporters Europe and discussed with UEFA delegates on executive and administrative level.
“We at FSE, are convinced that the opinion of the fans needs to be considered as they are a main part for the success of any kind of international tournaments”, said Kevin Miles, FSE Committee member and head of the Fans’ Embassy Core Group, after the meeting.
FSE made it very clear what the fans perspective on the competition format is but UEFA’s decision still has been in favour of holding Euro 2020 as a pan-European event.
“We are disappointed by UEFA’s decision as we think it makes it very difficult for fans to follow their team through the whole competition. But now we have to look forward and discuss with UEFA how we can find ways to make it an as pleasant as possible experience for travelling fans”, said Daniela Wurbs, coordinator of FSE.
As a next step FSE is preparing to make concrete suggestions on how to make this EURO for Europe as fan friendly as possible. These proposals will be submitted in a second consultation meeting already planned. Some examples would be an easy access to Visa, logistical conditions allowing inexpensive travel and a fair pricing policy. Furthermore, a system shall be worked out that ensures the successful work of the FSE Fans’ Embassies.
Further info
Football Supporters Europe (FSE) is the independent, representative and democratically organised European umbrella association of football supporters. FSE has members in currently 42 countries across Europe representing more than 3,000,000 football supporters on the continent in total. The membership of FSE consists of locally active fans groups, nationally active fans’ organisations and individual supporters.
Press Contact
Nikos Pogatsidis project coordinator for the FSE Fans’ Embassies – email: nikos@fanseurope.org Tel.: +49 176 321 301 85
Daniela Wurbs FSE Coordinator / CEO of FSE - email: daniela@fanseurope.org Tel.: +49 179 751 18 86
Football Supporters Europe eV, Coordinating Office, P.O. Box 50 04 03, 22704 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 68 914 881 Twitter: @FansEurope
More info on FSE and its structure and current activities is available on their website www.fanseurope.org
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- fanprojekt
- Beiträge: 99
- Registriert: 17.03.09 @ 9:45
- Kontaktdaten:
Re: Fanarbeit International
Ein spannender Artikel betreffend Fanarbeit Deutschland
http://www.spiegel.de/sport/fussball/st ... 71943.html
http://www.spiegel.de/sport/fussball/st ... 71943.html
- fanprojekt
- Beiträge: 99
- Registriert: 17.03.09 @ 9:45
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- fanprojekt
- Beiträge: 99
- Registriert: 17.03.09 @ 9:45
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Re: Fanarbeit International
Vom 19.-21. Juli 2013 findet der internationale Fankongress in Amsterdam statt. Bis zum 30. Juni besteht die Möglichkeit sich anzumelden.
Alle Infos findet ihr unter http://www.fanseurope.org/de/fans-congress-2.html
Alle Infos findet ihr unter http://www.fanseurope.org/de/fans-congress-2.html